Flu vaccination is safe and effective. It’s offered every year through the NHS to help protect people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu.
The NHS website provides information about who can get it, how to book and where to get the vaccine.
Find out about flu vaccination for adults
Find out about flu vaccination for children
COVID-19 vaccination is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against COVID-19.
The NHS website provides information about the vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects.
Find out about COVID-19 vaccination
You can book your COVID-19 booster vaccination through the following options:
1. National Booking Service (119) – Starting from the 15th of April.
2. Care Gateway – You can call them at 0161 947 0770 or 0800 092 4020.
3. Community pharmacy walk-in – Find a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site near you using this link: [https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/covid-19-services/covid-19-vaccination-services/find-a-walk-in-covid-19-vaccination-site/](https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/covid-19-services/covid-19-vaccination-services/find-a-walk-in-covid-19-vaccination-site/)
4. GM Integrated Care – You can visit their website [https://gmintegratedcare.org.uk/get-my-jab/](https://gmintegratedcare.org.uk/get-my-jab/) for more information and to book your jab.
Make sure to check the availability and eligibility criteria before booking your appointment.