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Domestic abuse aware practice

The staff in your GP practice are trained to ask about domestic abuse and specialist workers are available to support you. Your practice is an ‘IRIS’ practice. You can talk to the doctors, nurses or other staff working here, if you are being hurt or controlled by your current or ex-partner, are afraid of someone at home or a member of your family.

The IRIS service is for all GP patients and staff, both women and men, aged 16 or over, whatever age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or background. IRIS’s oldest patient so far is over 80.

Social isolation can increase stress at home, impacting on you and your family’s well-being. Your GP practice is here to help you.

Please contact your GP or Practice Nurse for help and advice. They will refer you to the practice’s IRIS worker, the ‘IRIS Advocate Educator’.

You can also self-refer by ringing the IRIS office.

IRIS Office

0161 820 8416

Open 9am to 4:30pm

In an emergency call the Police on 999.

Silent Solutions Police

In an emergency call 999 for emergency services. If you cannot safely speak to the operator to ask for the Police, stay on the line and the call will be forwarded to an operating system. Press 55 to be transferred to the local police force as an emergency.

Silent Call to Police: 999, wait, then 55

24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline

0808 2000 247


Men’s Advice Line

0808 8010327

Domestic Abuse affects men too – helpline support for male victims.

Manchester Women’s Aid Helpline

0161 660 7999

Women’s Aid Live Chat: available Monday to Friday 10 am to midday.


For advice on how to cover your tracks online, please visit

COVID-19 and Domestic Abuse Government Support

COVID-19 and Domestic abuse Government support for anyone who feels they are at risk of abuse.
